Boss & Me (2014)
Good portrayal of male lead
11 October 2022
Smoother than butter. The malee lead, the consistency of his character, some of the subplots are worth the watch. Some may laugh but after a degree in English Literature, and being raised with Hollywood and British TV, I have had to read and reread atrocious books that some call classics. I am also a romance novel junkie, so books without saIt, pepper, herbs and spice I have read. Builds up the very best tolerance for crap.

Sorry. I am a consumer. Black. White educated. "Tired" world inhabitant. Female. Endurance, and sacrifice is the name of my game. My sister asked me to watch this. But the male Lead was intriguing from episode one. Female lead/ role has highlights but I am unconvinced of some of the things the creators claim. That sgd ix hard worker is well documented. However, I can't believe she passed CPA within a year. Running jewelry store is a hard sell. Creative choice and intent understood, but transition without transformation is both incredulous in art and dangerous in real life. Equality gas more to do with personal self worth or self-esteem than reputation or the judgment of others. A change of job to prove equality then to relinquish it for personal harmony is pointless. Popularity and intelligence are unrelated .

Furthermore, the personal ideas of lead female character are a hodgepodge of assumptions, presumption and bad friendly advice- a 1001 reasons not to watch BET or lifetime. Then condemnation of male lead for a lie after female lead has already told too many lies to trace is a common fallacy of feminist sympathetic discourse in film.

But must a work be rejected full scale just because of blatant folly in one choice? New or unknown talent, in front of and behind the screen, must be given the chance to make or to present their argument for being given an audience. Gives better opportunity to learn more about other cultures, societies and the creative process inherent to different television industries. Thank you covid. Different world views facilitate ease of change in personal perspective and adjusting to manifold ways of telling a tale destroys prejudices, conscious and unconscious, by only watching the work of one TV industry.

Feng Teng holds his own. He chooses a mate for personal comfort and not social expectations, facilitating evolution of a better man and leader. Credit must be given to director, writer and supporting cast and crew for being singular in objective and maintaining audience's gaze.

Loved wardrobe - to be fascinated by winter and autumn clothing is new to me and only developed after seeing wardrobes for male actors. The men capture your gaze but female wardrobe prolongs it. Began with Korean actors but Chinese sustained admiration. But the timbre of some of the male voices is exceptional and induces a drug like effect.

Smile. Transitioning between intelligent viewing to being downright silly in personal taste is a hoot. When your frame of mind consistently changes it allows you to see and appreciate more. You also recognize that learning can take place in any mindset. As a teacher of young children this inspires and refreshes motivation.
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