Andor: That Would Be Me (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
I Like Where This Is Going
11 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Andor continues to be a very interesting and slowly building Star Wars story. I like that this is taking its time to build towards things, which isn't for everyone, but it's a nice change of pace from the short burst 6 episode stuff. Diego Luna continues to be great as Andor, as we learn a bit more about his past in the flashbacks and see a bit of the desperation as the security team closes in on him. We also get introduced to Stellan Skarsgard and Fiona Shaw's character, who I am eager to learn more about. I also liked how Kyle Soller's Security Deputy Head character tried to appear in control, but was clearly out of his depth. The relationship between Cassian and B2 is another great droid/human relationship and it's cool to see a new type of droid. The flashbacks continue to interest me showing Cassian's past, while letting you figure out what's going on by not using subtitles. Overall, loving the gritty nature of the show and can't wait to see more. Score: 8.5/10.
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