Charming and Delightful
12 October 2022
I'm not a Lena Dunham fan, but I've got to hand it to her. Catherine Called Birdy is a terrific film. Basing a film on a children's book set in 13th century England you can run a big chance of the sets, costumes, dialogue and general mood giving off an inauthentic feel. Not here.

The plot centers around Lady Catherine, nicknamed Birdy, the 14yo only daughter of Lord Rollo (Andrew Scott) and Lady Aislinn (Billie Piper). Lord Rollo is desperate to marry Birdy off to a rich suitor to feed his coffers which have been severely depleted over the years by his flagrant and unbridled drinking and spending. Lady Aislinn lives a seesaw of emotions due to her many pregnancies resulting in still births, yet she truly loves her spendthrift husband and wild, rebellious daughter. Scott and Piper play the determined yet conflicted parents beautifully. The supporting cast includes Joe Alwyn, as Birdy's handsome Uncle George, home from the Crusades and the magnificent Lesley Sharp as Morwenna, whose harried job is the daily care and upbringing of Birdy.

After Birdy successfully fends off suitor after suitor, one finally appears with wealth enough to satisfy Lord Rollo's wildest dreams and he demands Birdy marry him. The problem is he's a vile, disgusting, lecherous older man. Much older. As Birdy's inevitable fate draws near, the love between parents and child is tested to its limits.

Catherine Called Birdy is a breath of fresh air in the form of original programming, a superbly written script, fantastic sets and exceptional performances.

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