MacGyver: The Lost Amadeus (1990)
Season 5, Episode 18
Some Good Music, Silly Premise, Lots of Fun
12 October 2022
I don't usually like MacGyer episodes where adventures find him. After all, how often has this happened to you: you just finished a long, grueling bike ride. While you're getting a paper from a machine you're run into by a young lady who takes you home only to find a couple of thugs beating up her famous violinist boyfriend? It happens to me all the time. NOT!

But this one is the silliest kind of fun. It's a nice change-of-pace episode with a female character who is absolutely bonkers. With music ranging from a lovely version of Mozart to 1920s jazz. Heavenly, for me.

Familiar faces like Milton Selztzer and Herb Edelman. The plot is ridiculous, the premise impossible. Lots of fun.

Oh, and once again "MacGyver" is nothing if not derivative. In 1985 Mozart was big news with the Oscar-winning film "Amadeus." There is NO reason on God's green earth a violin belonging to Mozart would be called the Amadeus, except to cash in on the movie. It's a cheap trick (no music by them) but it gets its point across.

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