How to Find Forever (2022 TV Movie)
Cute enough for a one-time watch.
13 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, the other couple of reviews on this movie so far are a tad harsh.

Is this movie predictable and cheesy? Yes, of course it is! You'll be hard pressed to find a GAC or Hallmark movie that isn't. They definitely have a formula they tend to almost always follow for their plots. It does get old. But that's what you sign up for when you choose to watch these movies.

That being said, is it unwatchable as other reviewers have claimed? Absolutely not. I've seen FAR worse from these channels.

I can't say that I'll be going out of my way to watch movies with the female lead in the future. But I did actually enjoy the male lead (Aaron Ashmore). I was pleasantly surprised by how genuine and relatable his acting was in this genre. I've only ever previously seen him (and his twin) in action/sci-fi shows and movies. I'd enjoy seeing him in future romantic movies.

Now... one of my pet peeves in these movies is that most of the time they tend to finally get the couple together and then immediately end the movie afterwards. Kiss. Gaze. Bam, the end. You don't even get that much in this movie! The end of the movie cuts into credits mid-kiss. You don't even get the satisfaction of seeing the entire thing! I literally exclaimed at my tv "what was that?!" So disappointing.

Overall, do I regret watching this movie? Nope.

Would I watch it again? Also, nope.
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