Here to Heart (2018– )
Too much of a marathon
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The main problem with this series is the timescale.

When we meet Wen Nuan and Nanxian they appear to be in their late twenties - early thirties.

But Nuan was born in 1999.

That makes her 18 and Nanxian about 22.

Yet she ran away to London 7 years ago.

That would make her 11 years old and Nanxian about 14.

Complete incompetence by the writers.

They even have her celebrating the day she and Nanxian broke up.

Anyway, on her return she deliberately joins Nanxian's company to be near him - but she holds him at arm's length constantly. He is frustrated by her - but he calls her "chess piece" which doesn't speak of true love to me - rather that he is using her as a business pawn.

His mother of course is a fly in the appointment and blames Wen Nuan's break up with Nanxian for her husband's death in a plane crash. He was returning home because he heard of the break up. Nobody pointed out to her that it was Wen Nuan's sister Wenro who was the cause of everything that happened subsequently.

Were we supposed to accept that?

Why do writer's have such contempt for the intelligence and analytical ability of their audience?

Nanxian for some noble reason is having a fake relationship with Nuan's ex best school friend -Yixin - a better name for her might be VIXEN - who is of course in love with Nanxian and who does every nasty thing in her power to get Nuan fired from her job. I fast forward through far too many filler episodes of endless boardroom talks and girly chats that did very little to drive the plot forward. It took far too long for the lovers to eventually get together and the end result of Yixin's change of heart which resulted in Nanxian pretending to marry her was just too silly for words. Wenro's relationship was completely implausible - but the young man was sweet.

You will probably enjoy a lot of it - if you don't question too much and accept the many implausibilities..
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