Goliath: Citizens United (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
Class Envy 101 (Terrible Ending)
14 October 2022
A great show but this was just a terrible, terrible conclusion about a show that's supposed to center on the law, and that's a kind of modern Anatomy of a Murder...

This season ends with one of the weakest, most flimsy speeches a lawyer has ever given to a jury... Billy had no case at all here, no proof, nothing at all, and he tells the jury about how big companies (like Amazon, for instance?) take over the world and have more money than the little guy (who depends on their paychecks so... don't they need money?)...

It wasn't even a well-written speech at all... He just told the jury to screw the big guy and they suddenly just won the cast, out of the blue, for no reason...

As for the horrible-acting country singing Dwight Y. Who Billy brought back from his Sling Blade days, being recorded telling Billy something in private, this whole season, which was really good leading up, was very idealistic and implausible.
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