A business documentary, case studies for entrepreneurs and filmakers
16 October 2022
Highly recommended to whoever is thinking about making a documentary.

It shows the persistence it takes to film your subjects for months (or years?) and be ready at a moment's notice.

For the regular guy: journey into the challenges of tapping into a new segment of a very competitive and regulated market.

Best thing: great great footage of the main subjects. I'd say nowadays it would be impossible to follow Musk for so long and interact with him on a personal level. Kudos to the director.

The struggles and challenges the different guys (GM, Nissan, Tesla, DIY guy) are facing are fascinating and help comprehend human ambition in different respects. Not only money, but also fame, respect, self worth are what drive humans to create better things

the part with the DYI/repair guy is indeed emotional and neatly edited.
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