Review of The Fake

The Fake (2013)
Pure genius (but Christians will find it hard to swallow)
16 October 2022
This Korean animation is pure genius. It shows the farce man-made religion is and how easily people are fooled by religious leaders who are not what they preach. Shows how blinded the mass is while ignoring all the telltale signals they are following a con artist. This movie has elements similar to the movie, "There will be blood". The ending is equally satisfying.

Also, there is ample character development throughout the movie. I think this is amazing given that it is not acted but is pure animation. I would like to see a movie version of this Korean animation, as it would be a blockbuster, in my opinion...but then, maybe not, as many are still blinded by religion.

This animation also shows how the worst of humanity often targets those who are in their weakest position - the financially troubled, the sick, and the hopeless. Similar to how in the wild, hyenas will often attack the sick and the injured.
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