Deserves a 9 but loses points...
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Janatha Garage is for all intents and purposes a movie that deserves at least an 8 or 9/10, however I have a few issues with it that drops that rating to a lowly 6/10.

First up we have the story, which I actually liked for the most part. The only part of it that I actually hated is when Anand is forced to pick between keeping his engagement and marrying his cousin Bujji, whom he loves more then the planet itself and who loves him with all her heart. Unfortunately her father, Anand's uncle tells him he must pick between his fathers family and Bujji, Anand wants both. He wants to continue helping people that come seeking help from Janatha Garage and he also wants to marry Bujji, the love of his life. His uncle is not having it however as his sister, Anand's mother was killed along with his father 25 years ago by enemies of his fathers family. I was hoping after this scene that at the end of the movie Bujji and Anand would reunite, instead she meekly accepts a husband her parents pick for her even though she doesn't love him and will probably always love Anand, whom she grew up with from the moment she was born and whom she loves with all her heart and who loves her with all his heart. Anand is also shown at the end of the movie to have married Anu a girl he meets by chance during the early parts of the film but with whom he interacts only once or twice throughout the movie. I find this really stupid that both Anand and Bujji get married off to other people whom they barely even know, when they both love one another and Bujji's parents aka Anand's aunt and uncle, were happy with the match at first as well. But alas they'd rather give their only daughter over to a stranger then let her marry the man of her heart and go live with him and his fathers family. His fathers family are good people however they take the law into their own hands when it comes to stuff happening in the community. Which is why Anand's parents were killed 25 years prior by their enemies. Bujji's wedding especially or the little we see of it just looks so sad, she is standing there, face downcast and sad, looking towards Anand's room and the spot they used to sit in facing the sea. Everyone else is smiling and looking happy except for the bride herself, Doesn't look like she will be happy with her new husband at all, poor girl.

This brings me to my second issue with the movie. They have left out a lot if important stuff, they just cut to the end result and we are left to make sense of what has happened and what's currently going on. The same thing happens with the bombings later on in the movie, none of it is actually shown, it's just spoken about and discussed by other characters.

Besides the 2 things I've mentioned the actual storyline is really good for the most part. The only slightly silly thing being Anand getting worked up over fireworks at Diwali and a plastic bag with to much plastic in it or something yet he rides a petrol guzzling motor cycle...

The casting was really good, Anand whose played by NTR Jr. Continues to deliver another superb performance in Janatha Garage, from the action scenes, the emotional ones and the dancing. Bujji played by Samantha Ruth Prabhu is drop dead gorgeous as usual and delivers another stunning performance, she is unfortunately barely shown in the movie besides her one or two scenes with Anand and becomes Eye Candy more then anything else; which is a shame as her character seemed really interesting especially with what she and Anand were up to at the chemical company she worked at. Nithya Menen was really great in the like 3 seconds of screen time she got, half of which was her at the end somehow being married to Anand now. She had so much more potential but like Samantha as Bujji, was horribly wasted and delegated to the role of Eye Candy.

The feature song was good and had a celebrity surprise in it. The movie had a few other enjoyable songs as well; so a pretty enjoyable soundtrack for the most part.

All in all Janatha Garage is worth a 9/10 rating, but loses stars for the inconsistency in the storyline and more importantly loses a large chunk of stars for botching up Anand and Bujji's otherwise beautiful relationship. It's like the director was going for a romantic storyline based on saving the environment and Anand and Bujji, and their exploits, which would have made a really good movie to be honest. But decided to go down the Janatha Garage story instead, he had two really good stories, either would have worked great, but he tried combining them and ended up with a mess on his hands.

A well deserved 6/10 for Janatha Garage from me, unfortunately can't in good conscience give it a higher rating with it's glaring issues.
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