Love in Wolf Creek (2022 TV Movie)
Poor all around
19 October 2022
Bad acting. Stupid dialogue. Poor staging. Constant tense music.

I think there is a rule that in a romantic movie, the leads have to have a confrontation when they first meet. Check. But the scene was poorly done. There are only two vehicles in sight and lots of open spaces yet Austin's truck iso close the mirrors almost touch. The only way this happens is if the director has to set up a confrontation. Then those looks they exchanged. What was that? Were they supposed to be checking out the prospects?

The wolf hunt is bizarre (and again the tense music). More stupid dialog.

The sequences with spacey grandma are anything but charming. Bobby Daniels is totally unnatural in his role. Likewise Madeline Leon. Nola Martin overplays her claustrophobia.

There's a cardboard villain. So he stands around and describes his crime to two witnesses. Seriously? The whole sequence is ridiculous.

I think I've given enough examples, but there are plenty more. This movie isn't poor in just one or two aspects, but all the way through in almost every way.

If you like animals, there are lots and many of the scenes with them are cute. So add a star for that.
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