Review of Sateda

Stargate: Atlantis: Sateda (2006)
Season 3, Episode 4
For the meatheads
19 October 2022
When comparing this epi8sode with the next (Progeny), it fails miserably. In fact, they don't even look like the same show. This episode focuses on Ronan. Unfortunately, Since the character Ronan is a caveman meathead,,,, it can't do anything but be mindless action. Some like that. To each his own. Me?, not so much.

There is a reason Rodney called Ronan a caveman,, and in this ridiculous mind knumbing episode, it is in full display.

Yet, I have no problem understanding it is needed for the Ronan worshipers. I may not be one of them, but I know their out there.

Although some say differently, sadly, we didn't learn anything new. Ronan had a wife. So? What does that change? Nothing. Just an excuse to have an action episode. And a poor one at that.

Atlantis is at it's best when they combine action, story, and character development.

This only does one.

Although the villein Wriath was pretty cool looking, it can't make up for the airhead that is Ronan.argg arggg.
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