Pokémon: Final Battle! Enter Kairyu!! (1999)
Season 2, Episode 32
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this was a very cathartic experience, specially after the unfair (and utterly stupid) way in which Ash/Satoshi ended losing the Kanto League (Thanks a lot Team Rocket).

When I was a kid, I was very, very disappointed that the league Ash fought in the anime had nothing to do with the Elite Four of the games; I was so hyped to see him battling against Lorelei, Bruno, Lance, and Agatha instead of the random trainers of the anime, I even originally mistook Drake as the anime version of Lance, who was my favorite trainer from the games (When he finally appeared in the anime, it was in a boring Johto episode, and he didn't even fight against Ash...Why the Pokemon anime insists in making the worst possible writing choices?)

For a very, very long time, this was the only League Ash was allowed to win; at the end of each season he kept losing in dumb and contrived ways which were incredibly frustrating to watch; instead of teaching kids that losing is not so bad, it almost feel like the writers were telling the audience they were doomed to fail no matter how hard they tried.

The Satoshi/Ash saga should have ended with the Orange League. Satoshi/Ash should have won his only battle against Gary, with a closure similar of the manga version, instead of an endless cycle of Ash always losing and Team Rocket always chasing him.

Also, Giovanni get away with all his evil deeds in the anime, since he was never defeated or stopped.
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