Inspector Lewis: Your Sudden Death Question (2010)
Season 4, Episode 3
Great, classic whodunnit
22 October 2022
A group of people gather at an Oxford college to compete in a quiz contest for a large prize. One of them, an annoying, know-it-all womaniser is murdered. Due to his personality quite a few people would loathe him, but murder him? Lewis and Hathaway investigate.

One of the better Lewis episodes. A classical whodunnit in the Poirot mould as all the possible suspects are locked in a location. Now Lewis and Hathaway just have to figure out who did it.

Better too because the plot and evidence builds up to the revelation rather than like many Lewis episodes where revelation of the guilty party comes out of the blue as a wild twist in the last 10 minutes.

Some interesting, engaging sub-plots too. Good to see that at last there might be some progress on the Lewis-Dr Hobson relationship. That's been due for some time now.
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