Not as good as previous season
22 October 2022
In between the end of Season One and this follow up, the character of Andre Shamanov seems to have become a male Bene Gesserit. We get a load of sub Frank Herbert gibberish about how to be a killing machine as well as, within the attacks, communion with earth, knife and leaves to outguess adversaries that are meant to be every bit as skilled (or "gifted" as the somewhat clunky translation has it) as him.

A word about the translations. Some parts of the programmes are in English and a wretched Lektor is used to speak over them. This was incredibly annoying as parts of these dialogues were not subtitled until the last episode. The English overall needed tidying up.

André Shamanov has lost his reluctance to kill grunts and low-ranked cops since the first season. This could be because the themes here are darker. Conniving in bribery, corruption and the occasional assault in season one was nothing compared to helping the nefarious activities of the wicked antagonists of season two. So the rookies were complicit in something much more shady.

The kill rate was in the hundreds. Shamanov has learnt to dodge bullets since last time and to exterminate every opponent leaving himself unscathed.

It's utter tosh but I watched it all. I have to say that I enjoyed it less than season one as it was really too over the top.
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