Review of Maxine

Maxine (2022)
Well accomplished dramatization of an awful event.
23 October 2022
Very difficult subject matter. It is hard to believe it is 20 years since this story dominated the news.

When the shock of the Huntley/Carr complicity finally came to light it was a shock to all those that had followed the story as the perpetrators were by now know to the public.

The thing about Huntley was he was believable and had an almost baby face of innocence.

This is where I feel the drama has got it wrong. The Huntley character is too hard looking with severe died black hair. In the drama he looked suspicious throughout which was not the case in real life.

However, the whole event has been dramatized well. Obviously the Huntley/Carr dialogue behind closed doors is a matter for conjecture, but they are word perfect in their public speaking.

Being Channel 5 I had expected it to miss the mark, but apart the casting of Huntley it was dramatized very well.

As contemporary dramas go we are force fed endless murder and serial killer stories, but the reality puts these into some sort of perspective.
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