Review of Torn Hearts

Torn Hearts (2022)
No....just no
23 October 2022
Positives: I like Kaey Sagel. I have been a fan of hers since Peggy Bundy days and even have two of her music CDs(yes she is a certified singer). She plays her part well, chewing up the scenery and making the other actresses almost invisible.

Cons: Direction, pacing, writing, story and atmosphere. The story was never really understood until the very very end, by then it was too late. So you are watching some awkward conversations with an up-an-coming musical group and a has been. The tension was completely manufactured when it did not have to be. There was too many situations where even dumb people would have said 'this is enough' and left. But here the writing is too stupid to give a compelling story so it throws anything out there and hope you don't notice..(but you will). This is definitely one of those times you want to throw something at the TV.

Also....this really is not a horror.
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