House of the Dragon (2022– )
Season 1 Review
25 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pros 1) Writing is amazing 2) Acting/Performances from the actors 3) Directing 4) Costumes 5) Dragons and the different personalities and appearance in each one

Hit or Miss 1) Pacing 2) Cinematography 3) CGI

Cons 1) Stakes are extremely low. So low that I'm casually watching each episode pass with no real excitement on what to expect next episode.

2) How many times must i see a woman in this show giving birth to a child. Lmao. I think i saw it around 5 times by now in extremely detail.

3) Not anything to get excited about except the succession of the Iron Throne and the war in the realm. No side adventures like the wall, the white walkers, Arya traveling to Essos, Brand magical abilities, Boltons Starks and Greyjoys politics.

4) Larys is a poor imitation of Littlefinger so far that we don't know what his role is in the show. He is mostly a combination of Ramsay Bloton's madness and Litlefinger schemes. I don't like or understand him

5) Two scenes that really left a bad taste of my moth was the Rhanys cringe dragon escape and killing hundreds of innocent people and secondly the rambo scene of Daemon dodging hundreds of arrows and making it out alive after running such big distance in episode 3.
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