Would have loved the movie if Gashmeer Mahajani had played the role of shivaji
27 October 2022
Am a non marathi but love watching marathi historical movies. I have seen all movies made on shivaji maharaj. This movie would have been more impactful with wonderful intense acting by Gashmeer Mahajani. Subodh bhave was absolutely unsuitable for the role. Subodh has gentle and soft features.

Sharad Kelkar was absolute delight to watch. He is just perfect for such roles. I watched this movie because of sharad Kelkar. Amruta is sweet and does justice to the role. All the others were just ok. Most of them did their bit but not so memorable.

Overall this movie could have been better with better starcast --- GASHMEER .

They shouldn't have changed the historical events. Like shivaji was stabbed in the head in the movie. Never before have we seen or read such a thing.
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