Horror of a Different Sort.
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So nobody out there would find turning into a moronic clone a little horrifying? No? How about being an incredibly devoted spouse, only to find your significant other actually resents you for it and hacks you up for it...? Nah, not that either? (Coming Soon): The TV starts to have conversations with you.

That last one kinda bugs me out the most, because I feel like Big Brother has been watching long before Snowden told us all about it. But that's just me, that is horror.

Wasting that fabulous duck meat to (gag me with a Ginsu) microwave (which is likely already compressed bug protein granted to us from the benevolent Klaus Schwab) garbage was also a horrifying moment for me personally.

I guess nobody would mind a 6ft tall humanoid made of lotion in the basement, either...? I about lost my mind when I saw all the nasty footprints on the carpet (ugly carpet), but still a cleaning job of horrific proportion.

Last but not least: I am allergic to everything. I don't just break out in hives (up to 150 or more per quadrant front AND back), but I get the throat closing, eyes lips eyebrows blowing up to where I make Sly Stallone at the end of Rocky look like a supermodel of the 80s. So yes, her reaction to the glop actually scared my grandkids who have inherited this lovely allergic nonsense.

Horror of a very different sort. Watching a very unique lovable smart and talented person become a cookie cutter clone of the worst kind...? That also sucks. High School all over again, in a way. Talk about horror.

Diana "Edie Peach" Bentley rounds it up to perfect 10.
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