From Scratch (2022)
playing a part for 24 years younger person is a stretch
28 October 2022
So Saldana is 44 and Mastrandrea is 28. And yes, Saldana is a great actor, she is on top of it, it's enjoyable except that she does not look 20, the girl she plays. She looks her age, which is a good thing in Hollywood these days. But it's weird when the viewer has to swallow such an age discrepancy.

Aside from that, good story, relatable, a bit cheap at times (the parents are out of a stereotype store - white people's idea of rich black people) the Italian scenes are pretty, and (100 more characters) I don't know, if you get past of Saldana in her 40s playing a college girls, it's absolutely one of the better shows on Netflix!
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