twisty thriller
29 October 2022
John Brent is an executive working for Charles Standish in a shipping company. John is having trouble with his wife Nikki, but he has to host a party for their client. He invites Charles and his wife Helen over to persuade Nikki. Instead, Nikki has left him claiming that he's cheating on her. In reality, he's being blackmailed by a dentist named Ralph Beldon. A mystery man with inside information visits Ralph to partner up with him. Ralph reluctantly accepts. The mystery man drives off with Nikki.

It's a lot of double dealing and hidden agendas. It's a convoluted twisted thriller. It's fun for a while. There are some unlikely turns. I never got to the point where I'm rooting for John. The acting is excellent. It's a mystery thriller of whodunwhat.
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