"You can carry this honesty thing too far!"
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is what - a romantic, musical Western? I challenge anyone to figure out what the story was about, even though on the surface it looks like 'Honest' John Calhoun (Randolph Scott) is setting up the folks of Malemute, Alaska to steal their gold, which they willingly deposit into the bank that Calhoun just founded! The picture is really perplexing because for all the emphasis put on Calhoun running an honest gambling joint, he's this far away from absconding with the town's funds with the help of willing allies in crime. On top of that, Calhoun has a romance in waiting with the appearance in town of Gypsy Rose Lee, the picture never really settling on whether her name is Belle De Valle or Belle Del Valle, both seem to be used interchangeably. And what would a Randolph Scott flick be without the addition of Dinah Shore as saloon singer Lettie Candless? I swear, this 'Western' had one of the most eclectic casts I'd ever encountered, and it's not even set out West - just check the title! With too much happening to reasonably keep track of, the early going is slowed down by the film's selection of songs introduced by Miss Shore, so much so that you might wonder if the filmmakers had any idea what they were going after. When it's finally over, the question of 'Honest' John Calhoun's honesty is settled for him by default, leaving him just about as puzzled as the viewer watching this picture.
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