Great Acting, Sober Story
7 November 2022
This is a cautionary tale about how the environment can possible cause the dissolution of a young family. This is a sensitive story megged by a promising director, Mounia Aki.

You feel for the family who only wants to live a better, more peaceful life with fresh air and a lot of greenery. But this wasn't to be.

The lead actors (Salah Bakri and Nadine Labaki) dish out commendable performances. You relate with their anxiety, disappointment and frustration as they try to fight for their right to live where they are. The daughters played by young Nadia Charbel and Seana Restom display a mature understanding of their respective roles. It's delightful watching them play their part with sensitivity.

This film also tackles burning social issues: pollution and effective waste management. The message is clear: if even the mountains aren't safe from landfills, then mayhaps, we're doomed.
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