I, Madman (1989)
Cool premise that could have been pushed a little further
9 November 2022
'I, Madman' is a fun yet often overlooked supernatural slasher flick with a cool and unique premise that's decently paced and maintains your interest throughout, along with sharp direction by Tibor Takacs with an excellent gothic sense of style with each murder set piece drenched in a cool morbid atmosphere.

The plot - Virginia (Jenny Wright) a bookstore clerk whose obsession with a horror novel turns deadly as the mad doctor (Randall William Cook) comes to life and starts murdering people around her in the same way depicted in the book.

There are some terrific sequences on display here and also love the homages to the 40's style, but of course they're a bit more stylish colourful. The costumes and production designs are top notch for a relatively low budget 80's horror flick.

But there are a few glaring issues that stops this from being a classic such as the weak performance of the lead actress Jenny Wright whose a bit bland .and lifeless in the role. The stop motion effects are also horrible and incredibly dated which really lets things down during the final climax. But other than that the other performances were decent such as Clayton Ronner as the cop boyfriend was serviceable in his role, but the real star of this movie is Randall William Cook as the mad doctor who clearly steals the show with his grotesque appearance and chilling performance.

Overall 'I, Madman' is an enjoyable 80's b-movie that could have pushed its idea a little further, but it's a fun ride nonetheless.
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