We Mourn The Loss of Our King
10 November 2022
I was lucky enough to view a double-bill (both installments back to back) avant-premiere screening of 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' in cinemas. I was very curious to see how the people at Marvel as well as the actors were going to tackle the sudden loss of our beloved Chadwick Boseman, may he rest in peace. I'm happy to say they did a phenomenal job to honor both Chadwick Boseman as King T'challa.

From a story point of view, I loved this movie even more then the first. Though Chadwick Boseman leaves behind a hole in the heart of the story, he's still there with us. His legacy, both that of him as his character - as well as his presence is constantly felt throughout the movie. I truly believe that this is the way Chadwick would've wanted this movie to be as well.

Letitia Wright did a phenomenal job despite the sad circumstances. She managed to take her emotions and blend that into an incredible acting performance, which felt real because it was real. Just like it is for 'Shuri', the events that have happened are upsetting, depressing and unbelievable - just like what has happened to Boseman. But just like it did for her in the movie, this story really helped me truly accept the losses of an awesome character and an incredible human being.

All of the other cast members managed to really up their game as well, leaving us with only pristine performances. I was very satisfied with Tenoch Huerta's portrayal of 'Namor', our antagonist. He was quite intidimating and his presence/power was felt throughout the movie, since it has been so strongly established that Wakanda is the most powerful nation in the world - and he managed to make them have a run for their money. The concept of their two powerful nations colliding because of the mistakes of others, is meaningful and suspenseful to watch.

I adored the music, both Ludwig Göransson's score as well as the features. It captures the right emotion or vibe (loss, action, evil, hope, vengeance, ...) just perfectly well to bring us even closer to that moment. Ryan Coogler crushed it once more as well as director and lead writer of the story. I hope he gets recognized more and proceeds to make many more amazing projects.

The cinematography and world building was, once again, incredible. The sight of Wakanda will never get old. Namor's city also looked incredibly unique, though it reminded me of Atlantis but that was to be expected.

It was an emotional rollercoaster with gut wrenching action sequences, powerful emotional moments and a way for us to heal. I will forever miss Chadwick as "The Black Panther", as he will remain that forever in my heart. I like to think that if he could see this film from above, he would be smiling. Just as I and all the other fans that were sitting besides me in the theater and all across the world.
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