Whirlwind of familiarity manages some unique creepy horror fun moments
10 November 2022
Indonesian horror film that reminded me of Terrified (2017), The Shining (1980), The Gate (1987), and approximately 238 haunted apartment building films. It was fun enough and had enough young protagonists that I was initially inclined to suggest it as an intermediate horror film for early-teens. I changed my mind when I realized that it's not really a good film to get too attached to any characters. It's violent, gory, and has some solid make-up that was genuinely creepy. Some excellent set pieces. The film takes advantage of blinking lights and sudden room illumination via lightning for many of it's scares. A few moments were chilling enough to have stuck with me. The story itself was fairly easy to follow (this is a sequel, by the way, a fact I learned after viewing. It didn't seem to detract from the flow or require having seen the first film). Plenty is left for you to assume until towards the end when the film dumps almost too much information on you. I found the Indonesian culture and burial practices interesting. The characters and actors were all solid. No one was unwatchable. The film is two hours long and feels it. I'm not going to complain much because it kept me interested all the way through. I enjoyed having trope after trope flung at me because some did have interesting twists. I liked it and can't think of any real reasons not to recommend it. I'm definitely going to seek out the first film, which should be a recomendation in itself.
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