Comforting xMas Romance, plus food porn.
12 November 2022
A comforting & visually captivating romance movie between two people as they navigate balancing work-life and personal-life and moving to the next level with a Christmas deadline. Bobby Flay is on movie poster, but I overlooked the dish in the center of the movie posted. Food is an integral part of the movie, so and food channel fans should see enough dishes to pique their interest. No car chases for the action fans, No robots for the SyFy Fans, No dragons for the fantasy fan, etc.

The movie opens with upbeat music amid the hustle and bustle of a beautiful family-owned combination Inn / Restaurant establishment. My movie knowledge is limited but I loved the sets and visuals, so will do my best to give two callouts using some restaurant lingo for fun. For setups, The (set decorator) Mike McGrath did an amazing job of making the background perfect for each scene. For plating skills, (Visual FX) PurpleDog Post Production made the movie visually stunning to watch, and this was viewed using Discovery+ on my laptop computer.

There were many dishes and a few drinks mentioned throughout the movie. Without giving to much away, I thought I would mention one drink. I am always on the lookout for (Big-8 Allergen) friendly options, so I wanted to mention the Smokey Apple Cider Margarita at 1:24:26.

I enjoyed the tranquil flow of this movie, and the Christmas vibe. Romance movies are not my niche, but the peaceful cadence of the movie relaxed me and the Food fascinated me.
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