Love Is Blind (2020– )
So bad you can't stop watching...
12 November 2022
This show is a study in immature, emotionally stunted people trying to find "love" in an unconventional way. The only thing worse than the premise are the people in it who think this is a good idea.

The women are shrill and a lot of what they say and how they say it seems scripted (big surprise, right?). And if you want a good drinking game (and you want to get pie-eyed drunk), take a drink every time they use the word "like". At least playing this game you won't be so annoyed after a while when they say it for the millionth time. You'll be too drunk to notice. Or care.

And the guys? Well, do you like seeing men cry? Yes? Then you will love this show. No? Well, you might want to pass then. Because they do this. A lot. And seriously ladies, seeing men cry over anything other than their dog dying, closing their hand in a car door or losing their mother is only endearing in theory. In reality it is a HUGE turnoff.

There really is only one reason to watch this dreadful show and that is to either play the aforementioned drinking game or if you simply enjoy watching a good train wreck that you just can't seem to pull yourself away from staring at.
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