Review of Recon

Recon (2019)
There appears to be an agreement here that whoever directed this knew nothing about WWII,
13 November 2022
The Greatest Generation, military codes of conduct and discipline. There aren't many WWII heroes left today that would waste their time watching this insult to them, but somebody needs to speak up for them. I'm not old enough to have served in WWII but all my uncles did. They all had one thing in common, they never spoke about WWII. I can't believe many of these details are true and the worst ones were created by someone that was ever close to a WWII combat veteran. The M-1 Garand weighs almost 9 lbs. Nobody ever carried it cross body with crooked arms like it's portrayed here. It was our ROTC training weapon in the mid-''50s. It's sling was dual purpose,; ithe most comfortable way to carry the M-1 Garand on your shoulder and the sling helped steady the weapon in most shooting positions. The M-1 carbine was a pea shooter compared to the Garand, which was accurate and lethal at long distances. We heard stories after Korea of soldiers accidentally shot with the carbine while wearing full winter gear and the bullet fell out of the layers. The Garand 30-06 could be a thru & thru at those distances. I've seen Monte Casino in Italy, its below Rome...above Salerno. How could the wolf have been close to Switzerland? When the M-1 was fired in all directions, the clip must have been emptied. The clip is designed to spring out of the top of the weapon when empty. It makes a unique twang when it exits...didn't twang!
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