90 Mintute movie that seems to last 3 hours
13 November 2022
Wanted, "metal band" video directors to cram 5 movies into 90 minute snooze fest. This one will make a Rob Zombie film fan puke.

I am going to try and be as diplomatic as possible to see why I think this movie is a 1 and a slew of others say it's a 9 or 10. First case, the 9's or higher. Do you love one or all of the following? Popa Roach, FFDP, Ice Nine Kills or Rob Zombie movies? This is going to be your cup of tea. If you would have preferred to hear 12 minute black metal songs from bands no one has heard of before while being a pretentious prick after the first 5 minutes, you will give this one a 1.
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