The Wedding Veil (2022 TV Movie)
Kevin's Boston Accent- No!
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Kevin McGarry plays a character who grew up in Boston, which is not a problem, but what is a problem is his usage or therefore lack of usage of the accent. It comes and goes- and when he does use it it's really embarrassing because you can tell it's not natural. He should have done the same thing as Lacey did: just not use one at all (as Lacey's character was also from Boston).

Overall I think Kevin and Lacey have good chemistry the who plot was just silly. Him assuming she had a boyfriend dragged out for far too long, and it's a bit immature for a grown man to not be direct about such situations.

As time goes on Hallmark has made their male characters so dim- whitted. It's sad as the charm is you need both your leading lady and your leading man to make these movies work, not a dumb leading man who only looks pretty. We all know Kevin is an intelligent actor so why make him dumb? For laughs? I don't think so.

This plot was so unengaging I'm not going to even bother to watch the other two installments. However I would love to see Kevin and Lacey work together on another project with a better script- it would be good as they both work well together.
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