Fear No More (1961)
C ripoff of Hitchcock's THE 39 STEPS
15 November 2022
Never heard of Director Bernard Wiesen, and doubt I'll want to hear. FEAR NO MORE is a blatant ripoff of Alfred Hitchcock's THE 39 STEPS (UK 1935), except that Jacques Bergerac (why an actor with a French accent in California?) is no Robert Donat and Mala Powers certainly is no Madeleine Carroll.

The preposterous script is rendered all the more so by Powers' hesitancy to explain what is going on, until it transpires that she was in a mental asylum before. How tragic, such a pretty girl, who had behaved so normally and seemed intent on serving her bosses to the best of her ability... and we learn that she is about to become the fall girl in a nefarious scheme devised by her boss from hell, John Harding, who is surrounded by a host of useless henchmen that reminded me of the three stooges, one of them a woman who is supposed to be the villain's wife but is really his sister... how incestuous is that?

Good old Jacques Bergerac is not just a handsome boy, he also saves the day by sticking to Powers like the proverbial leach. Why he goes the extra mile for her we will never know, just as why Powers' alleged murder of a woman should be punished with her stay in a mental asylum beats logic.

Perfunctorily done, shabby photography, substandard acting. Watchable - that's about it! 6/10.
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