The Mightiest 💛 Vanquish Enmity °VG° °7.5° 💯%🔍
18 November 2022
😀KTMD is classic anime featuring the standard teen-boy--pure-💛-protag that's akin to Speed Racer (70's foundational Japanimation) Except it's super-duper happy.

⚠ KTMD would be appropriate for tweens, but for the more intense fighting and the bawdiness, including all the TahTeeTahz! 👀. Even mom's generous 🅱az🅾ngid🅰s are like sausages on the brink of splitting the casings under a 2nd skin of fabric. One of the masters is The Mightiest Lecher (for comedic effect). Even if he had 10,000 disciples waiting for him back home▶ so what? He's in need of a slap▶ Mayhap... some day 〰🌈〰 some Brave🥇Warrior will be be fast enough for some carry🎗thru. There's 🍚🍚DLES of amazing stuff out there for tweens to attack, including the complete works of Haytao Miyazaki, currently featured on HBOMax. Turn on One Piece. They'll 😍 it‼ Tweens can wait to meet the mightiest disciple.

🌱 Kenichi is a middle school kid (age 14-16) dubbed "Weak Knees" Kenichi. (He's in the Gardening Club🌼folks!) He's on the way to school, minding his own business - oblivious to his own space, rather - when he's snatched & thrown by the girl in front of him.

She's 'so S😱RRY!' But...

🤾'You should /never/ sneak up on a person like that‼ My reflexes just💢kick in'. As Kenichi looks up, he's immediately 🎈🎈blown over by fascination. Miu ("Me-U") has a bod worthy of rapper videos. Her martial arts skills are otherworldly. She's kind. Dawww, she even likes 🐈kitties! Kenichi becomes her first friend at her new school, so it's not long💨 before she invites him to her place. Her home is a dojo owned by her grandfather. The shadowy cosplayers on site appear stoic, yet the very air is a soup of mystery, seasoned with a pinch of bug-eyed dread.

🍑 KTMD takes place in W🍭nderland for 14 year-old boys. It's James and the Giant Peach with Karate, except it's a dojo, it doesn't roll, and Kenichi is under constant danger of expiration thru the course of his grueling training▶

🆘 I don't know... by training him like that he might DIE

🆘 If you train this way, Kenichi, you'll DIE

🆘 If we teach you this too fast it'll KILL you

🆘 This training technique is also perfect to roast rabbits, as precision is required to control the heat▶ Keep moving‼ or it could get dangerous❗

🆘 Don't let Kenichi know that he was clinically DE🅰D, due to Apa's training, and we had to revive him

🆘 Tsk. Uh-oh. It's better that he doesn't remember /that/

🕷Mrs. Spider, these masters are not. Other than all that grave danger, how cute and warm🌞 this show is! Like James & that 🍑, he finds this otherworldly hangout, with this cagey cast of lethal weapons, that end up as mentors and friends. They (along with Miu) reflect all the delight and wonder that exist in a young boy's mind. It is breezy fun to-boot.

🐻KTMD is also educational. Did you know the Asiatic black bear can run 37 miles an hour? Don't ever be misguided enough to think you can outrun one, we learn.

✅/❎As soon as Kenichi prevails against the 1st bully, the dojo warns him that tough guys & other rabid bears will be tumbling out of the punching post to try and topple him. Once his name is broadcasted at school, Kenichi recognizes the hard choice. His options are: Learn to defend self or be miserly controlled. One must wonder if the poor slubs who opted for the latter, had truly considered and fully understood their new bonds. There's always a ch☑ice; doing the right thing will always be the difficult one ~ initially, that is. We become slaves to our wrong choices. Through hard practice and perseverance, the right choice becomes natural. We are all sculptors, and choices are chisels. Each choice further defines you/me/us by shaving away a sliver at a time🗿.

🌄While Kenichi always selects the right fork in the path through the course of the show, the message that he has no natural talent for martial arts, is on 🔃repeat. In order to protect those he loves, Kenichi, through hard practice and perseverance, becomes an effective fighter. We'll see that Kenichi's true power is not physical. He collects friends along the journey by way of his courageous and generous 💛. Don't misunderstand, he collects 🅾 help from his masters in these fights. A master never✖interferes with his disciple's battles.

🌇There's plenty more in the Manga series. On 📺, KTMD worked out from 2006-14, but by this 🕔, we can only look forward to watching a rematch -whoops - a remake, I mean, with our grandkids.

🥋Ah well, time to pick up & throw down the next one.

QUOTE🗣 {This plant} "is much more durable because it has such a strong stem from growing slowly. It never would have survived if it had grown quickly and thin. Real progress takes time."


🎬8 🖋〰7.5 🎭7.6 💓7 🦋4 🌞8 🎨7.4⚡8.2 🎵6.3 😅7.2 🤔5 🔚9

Age 13+ 🅱oobie🅱rothers Production, lots of Street Fighting depicting Kenichi being a very brave and decent person. Aside from his age-appropriate raging hormones, which he mostly keeps under wraps, he's a great role model.

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