Don't Leave (2022)
Spot on depiction of the "silent killer" of relationships
18 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, in my humble opinion, is a spot on depiction of what I call the "silent killer" of relationships. On the surface a relationship can seem almost perfect, two people loving each other very much, having fun together, living together. At the same time one of the partners in the relationship is slowly dying inside, and the unintentional "killer" is the other partner. The main character Semih loves Defne very much. But he wants all the benefits of a relationship and at the same time he doesn't want to be bound to the obligations of a relationship. For example, when the grandmother of Defne dies, instead of being there for her he makes up excuses to not be there for her. He doesn't even attend the funeral. The movie shows us how he has been ignoring all the signs that something was wrong with the relationship, and that the break up between Semih and Defne isn't as out of the blue as it seems in the beginning of the movie. On the other hand the character of Defne shows us what a lot of people do wrong when in a relationship. She puts the relationship and Semih first and allows Semih to not take into account what she wants in the relationship and in their life. The fact that their relationship ended is equally her fault as it is his, in my opinion. I think this movie Is a great eye-opener for people, whether they are a "Semih" or a "Defne".
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