Some hits and misses.
19 November 2022
I have to say that I was a bit underwhelmed by the finished Castle project. Trying to figure out why, the word that comes to mind is "disjointed". As a whole, the rooms just didn't "flow". I'd say that I didn't care for about half of the styling choices that were made.

The kitchen is gorgeous but it just doesn't feel as though it fits in and while I get the concept of a "butlers pantry", it's more like two separate side-by-side kitchens, each with an entirely different feel to them.

The master bedroom is completely underwhelming and the master bathroom unimaginative. The drawing room is a huge disappointment. Unattractive furnishings, lighting and paint color. And the card room? I wouldn't want to spend any time in it at all. So very dark and depressing. And that carpet. Ugh. The "boys" bedroom is another miss color and style wise, and why was the drawing of the architect hung in that room? Totally out of place.

I love about 95% of their home renovation projects but the end result of The Castle project was somewhat disappointing. If I were to buy it, I'd have to have some of the rooms re-done. I'm not sure what went wrong. Maybe Joanna was trying too hard to get it right and ignored her usually spot-on instincts?
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