Well Worth a Look
20 November 2022
These are the movies the American people should be watching. Not the BS on most of the networks.

Anyone can look at the information presented here objectively and see that we have a serious problem with our voting system.

Who is ultimately in control of our country's destiny? It certainly doesn't appear to be the people.

Now we have a "vaccine" that is useless- zero efficacy and doesn't stop transmission, but yet, they still press for everyone to get it. SAD, the sudden onsite of pediatric RSV, flu, myocarditis, and other indicators of a "vaccine" gone bad.

Now there is evidence of self assembling graphene oxide nanobots in the "vaccine". What are these? Are they self-activated bio-transmitters or some other nefarious device?

The results of the 2020 election will haunt the US forever. There is no course of action to remedy this other than to get out and vote out the people that were selected to their current offices- without the machines- same day voting only on Electiion Day with paper ballots counted by midnight on the same night.
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