This film is either clever or preposterous, take your pick. I choose the latter.
20 November 2022
Francis Lederer plays an artist whose models all seem to fall for him, then wind up dead. Is he killing them? Edward Ashley plays a drama critic who thinks Lederer is guilty as hell. So he enlists one of the dead model's sister (Ann Rutherford) to pose for Lederer. Will she fall for Lederer? Will he off her?

I can only take so much of this. Despite a twist ending, there are too many stupid plot developments. The police, led by John Litel, are well aware of what Rutherford is doing, and just go along with it. I guess that's how the cops ran investigations back in the 40s. Rutherford also carries a small gun in her purse, which Lederer manages to find with no trouble. I guess that's how women packed heat back in the 40s. And why is a drama critic investigating murders? I guess that's how the public did their civic duty back in the 40s. Throw in a nightclub scene where the singer warbles a ballad while a guy throws knives at her.

Ashley is annoying as the critic, but Gail Patrick plays a beyotch to perfection. Rutherford has that rare combination of cuteness and va-va-voom-ness, so she's fun to watch. Lederer does a decent job, but he furrows his brows way too often. While I admit he has some charm, I can't see dames falling all over him. He scores so often in this film that the New York Jets should consider signing him.
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