Mildly entertaining crimefest
21 November 2022
A bunch of non-Italian actors culturally appropriate my heritage.

The film opens with the Blues Brothers pumping four bullets into mob boss Ted de Corsia, but he manages to survive, at least for a few reels. His lieutenant, Cameron Mitchell, decides to get even with the big boss. What follows is non-stop lack of action as Mitchell and Robert Strauss take over a house at an airport, hold everyone hostage, and wait for a plane carrying the head man from Italy. This sequence is just a ripoff of "Suddenly," which at least featured a real Italian guy.

The supporting cast includes Ed Platt as another mob boss, and James Brown (not the Godfather of Soul) as one of the most useless cops in film history. Frank Gerstle plays a hitman - but at least his suit fits for a change. Louis Jean Heydt runs the airport. The characters have names like Chins, Augie, and Julie (yes, that's a guy).

The climactic shootout at the mob meeting is something you'd expect from "The Naked Gun." The narrator then tells us this may be the end of organized crime. Yeah, right. Apparently he never heard of cable companies.
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