In Merry Measure (2022 TV Movie)
Casting does matter; this film has ZERO chemistry between Brendan Penny and Patti Murin.
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Brendan Penny is an extraordinary actor. I looked forward to his new Hallmark film. Evidently the casting director just matches any male with any female and counts on the story line to compel a "romantic match." In this case, Patti Murin is a mess and a miss! She plays an aging pop star/song writer who had one hit song years ago. She has relocated from New York City to Dayton (Ohio) and is staying with her sister while she recharges her depleted creative batteries. Her character is arrogant and insensitive and jumps to conclusions, making her an obnoxious character. As an actress, Patti Murin has a huge mouth, in an uninteresting face, with gloppy hair and scrunched eyes (as if her contacts are really bothering her). Her scenes seem forced and fake. She should be playing a neighbor who sells Tupperware. That is the caliber of her "charm." Brendan Penny plays a long-suffering local music teacher, who is forced to work with this local "celebrity" interloper while she tries to organize and promote those music students who auditioned but did not make the cut for the high school's chorus singers (led by Penny), as they prepare for a competition.

Murin's character "smart mouths" Penny at every turn. (He should have tossed her butt out, "old celebrity" or not. She is pushy, obnoxious, has no actual knowledge of music theory, or any sense of discipline, and appears to be worthless. Her only "contribution" is that of carping and nagging.

Lastly, the "modern" twist on traditional Christmas music may be "edgy" to some, but I found the "modern" renditions to be to be loud, forgettable, and no improvement on traditional Christmas music. As if Iambic pentameter has no value in the new modern age of jazzy hip-hop, or whatever the "new noise" was supposed to be. As if changing the syllabic verse, or beat, could improve the old standards. The song arrangements are cheap and cheesy; merely "changed" for the sake of "change" with no significant improvement.

I was VERY disappointed with "In Merry Measure!" It is the ONLY Brendan Penny film I will NOT rewatch. It's too painful. Patti Murin is simply too old and frumpy to play this kind of role. She is like an older aunt who is carrying too much weight and breathes through her mouth OR she is trying to draw attention to her new dentures. When Penny had to kiss Murin at the close, it was just embarrassing. He gave her a quick smack, since it was in the script. Murin never closes her mouth so he must have had to kiss her teeth. He deserves a cute young leading lady who is not so vulgar.

Incidentally, Penny's retro glasses are exactly what a music teacher would wear. They are VERY au courant and not "old" at all. The glasses are truly "edgy," while the "progressive" (awkward) dancing is not.)
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