Burning Cane (2019)
A painful watch
25 November 2022
Awful, 'Burning Cane' didn't do anything for me personally, and I'll explain why.

When I come to a film and I'm trying to grasp what it's all about, 3 main questions pop into my head, quite instinctively: 1) What's the 'angle' here, who's point of view is represented by the film maker and why?

2) What's the overall message of the film?

3) Why did they make this film?

I'm afraid to all 3 questions, I just drew a complete blank. Alcoholism? Abuse? Poverty? Depravity? God? Hope? Despair? I've no idea at all! Even the film making itself was desperate, long shots in poorly lit rooms, what were we even meant to be looking at? Film maker and writer Phillip Youmans, you offered us so much gloom and despair in this short chronicle of human misery, and so little hope. Even if you were trying to make a social comment on the lives of black Lousianians what was it, exactly? And how awful to show people in this desperate plight. Give us some hope, please. Even the central mother character goes off the rails by the end. A pointless film, painful to watch without anything uplifting or hopeful about it. Why did you make this film? I have no idea? Awful.
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