Glass Onion (2022)
What Just Happened?
27 November 2022
Right this is going to be a weird one. So Glass Onion is the sequel to the 2019 movie Knives Out, which was hands down one of the cleverest films of the year, with a terrific ensemble and a grounded plot that just barely strayed into the unbelievable towards the end, but was wildly entertaining nonetheless. Given how enjoyable the first one was and the initially positive reviews that came out about this one, it's fair to say that my expectations were high. I must say though, after leaving the theatre, I'm disappointed. The film is a combination of a fireworks display and a dumpster fire, with a lot of things going for it but with an incredibly ridiculous plot at the center. Honestly, if I'd never seen the first one I would assume this movie was as a parody of detective films because it honestly does a good job of portraying how convoluted they can be. You know what, the more I think about it, the more sure I am that this entire movie was made to make fun of this entire genre: the initial plot is very stereotypical, with a billionaire who owns a private island that's absolutely crazy, a group of friends who are dependent on the guy and all have a motive to kill him, and a world class detective in the mix in case someone dies. From there, the movie flips the script completely and at this point I thought that we were in for another winner. I won't go into the details of the plot given how recently the movie came out, but it became so complicated and ridiculous that by the end, I was left wondering what the hell I just watched. The ending felt so... stupid. It was a lot of noise and a lot of flash but it was just so dumb that I felt unsatisfied. So I'll end the review on this note: treat this movie as a comedy that's making fun of detective stories. Don't take it seriously and you'll have a terrific time. I think that I can't love this movie because the first one was a really good mystery that had a serious plot that delivered and this one was too crazy right from the start. If you look at the movie from this angle, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. The performances become better and the script becomes a little more tolerable. However, if this film was trying to be a serious mystery, it failed in every respect. If it was trying to be a comedy I'd give it a 7 and if it was trying to be serious I'd give it a 2. Since I can't quite decide, I'll give it a 5. As always, I recommend you go and watch it yourself and form your own opinion, because I think that some people may really enjoy this one. Final verdict: 5/10.
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