much needed
28 November 2022
If every white women in my life watched this, I bet they would realize a lot of their unconscious biases and understand why BIPOC don't trust white people. As a South Asian, I loved how Saira acknowledged that we are trained to hold biases and racist beliefs against Black people, whether that is due to colourism or texturism, or upholding the "model minority" myth. I urge everyone to watch this documentary and realize how deep these systems of oppression go.

I also feel that this is such a timely documentary especially with all the hate against marginalized groups right now that continues to grow. As a Muslim, I felt like I was deeply unsupported by my white friends and family members, who rarely checked in during or after the Trump presidency or any instances of hate crimes against Muslims or immigrants. People I work with don't ever stop and think how the news may affect my productivity or ability to meet a deadline, when people like me are being killed or told to "go back to where you come from". It is a constant struggle and I wish this documentary was a common piece of media that white woman consumed, especially those who claim to be allies.
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