Hammer House of Horror: Carpathian Eagle (1980)
Season 1, Episode 9
A hideous blemish on a great series
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst plot lines I've ever seen. I was honestly dumbfounded.

There was 0 suspense. For a few moments in the beginning of the episode you were unsure who the killer was. But it was glaringly obvious very quickly because they show her.

Halfway through it is confirmed that she is the killer. And I kept waiting for the twist, which never came. I think the writers were trying to show that not everything was as it seemed, but they must have "forgotten" to include that part which would have cast any sort of doubt.

The absolute worst part of all was the last act of the episode, where they try to catch her in the act, but are unable to do so, (with the only possible intention of trying to make the viewer question what they already saw) but it was so poorly and clumsily done that any viewer with half a brain would have put the pieces together that she just didn't have the opportunity in that instance.

Then, we are put through the most painstakingly dull 15 minutes to get to the banal ending that everyone already knew was coming.

Not a fun watch, not interesting, not exciting, not scary, not creepy, just irritating.

Dreadful by any standards, but even more so when compared to the other installments in this otherwise delightful series.
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