The X-Files: Improbable (2002)
Season 9, Episode 13
Who was that man?
29 November 2022
In the hunt for a serial killer, Agent Reyes believes that she's worked out who, how and why by a mathematical formula.

I thoroughly enjoyed this one, such a random mix of styles, it was bright and fun at times, but dark and heavier when it needed to be.

No wonder Burt Reynolds has been loved the whole world over, he was truly captivating here, endless charm and charisma, he stole every scene he appeared in, talk about star quality.

I loved the music, and the sheer originality of the production, it was like no other episode.

I enjoyed the bit of conflict between Scully and Reyes, that's been too long coming, the pair have agreed on almost everything so far, their disputes over methods and theories were pretty good, just a shame we didn't see much of Agent Doggett.

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