The Hedgehog, The Fox, and the Kucklehead
29 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Man, heading that there was gonna be a Sonic 2 with Tails in it was cool enough. But when I saw the trailers and saw KNUCKLES?! I could not believe that one of my favorite Sonic characters was gonna be in this movie. I thought it was just Tails!

This movie is one of the first pieces of Sonic media that I've seen get Knuckles so...RIGHT. He's not dumb, alright? He's just...out of touch. Out of his element. He's not DUMB for trusting Eggman, he's NAIVE. He falls into the trap of thinking that he CAN'T be tricked...and those people are always the people that get tricked the easiest. It was kinda sad to see him realize that Eggman was tricking him this whole time, and it was even sadder when I realized that he'd not only considered Eggman a partner...he'd considered him a FRIEND.

Jokes were good, other characters were good, yada yada--OH WAIT IS THAT SHADOW?!

Good movie. I can't wait until 2024 for the third one to come out.
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