Should have been direct to video
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Out of the DC Super Hero Girls shorts, this one most represents why these shorts were a fail compared to the mediocre TV series. Episodes like "#BigScreenBully" and "#PictureDaze" are examples of two of the worst.

Why is this one of the worst? Well, the biggest reason is the nature of Karen in this episode. In the episode, she is seen as the only character in the theatre (not counting Doris) and Doris is seen picking on her by doing things such as spilling popcorn on her and calling her friend during the film. Do you not see the obvious solution here...?

But that's the least of this episode's issues. The second half is where this episode gets infuriating. You wanna know what Karen does after talking with her conscience? She goes back to the theatre and bullies Doris. Yeah Karen, two wrongs make a right apparently. Oh, the cherry on top, she stings Doris in the... you know (which makes her leave). Karen wins of course because good guys always have to win apparently, even after Harley comes. She is also doing miniscule annoyances (laughing too loud???) which causes Karen to sting her, too. Absolutely dreadful...

This episode is worthy of the only 1/10 in the entirety of the shorts, you'll miss nothing by skipping this.
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