Switched for Christmas (2017 TV Movie)
Family flurry with food and festivities in this Christmas experiment
30 November 2022
"Switched for Christmas" is a good film for the annual flurry of usual Christmas romances at year's end. There have been some films over the years, including a couple of Christmas season comedies, in which people switch places (geographically, but not in jobs and families). But, this is the first one in ages, that I know of, involving switches by twins of their regular lives for a short period. The first one was the 1961 smash hit, "The Parent Trap," in which Haley Mills starred as twins Susan Evers and Sharon McKendrick. In this film, Candace Bure plays twin sisters Kate Lockhart and Chris Dixon.

Kate has never married, lives in Denver, likes the big city lifestyle, is a vice president of a development firm, and is a health food nut (smoothies, etc.). Chris lives in the suburb of Littleton, likes the smaller town atmosphere, is a single mom (apparent widow) of two young teens, who fixes hearty bacon and egg breakfasts for her family in the morning. And, after she gets Piper and Gabe off to school, she heads out to teach art. With their different life styles and likes, Kate and Chris have gone their separate ways. It's been two years since they've seen one another. Now, their dad, Ed Lockhart (played by Walter Platz) has invited each one to brunch with him - unbeknownst to the other. When they all meet, he tells them that this is the renewal of their promise to their mother before she died, that they would have Christmas brunch together every year. And, he leaves them to their brunch.

As they sit down to eat, they bicker. Each one thinks the other has it made in the shade, an easy life, etc. They had switched places once before, when they were younger. But now the opportunity arises again, for each one to step in the other's shoes just until Christmas. It's a challenge that each one looks forward to. And, with cell phones to be able to keep in constant contact, they are assured of knowing who and what on one another's end.

One can guess how this will go, and it is very interesting, with some good comedy, romance for each twin, and very good interplay with other members of the cast. Chris tells Piper and Gabe because they would be able to tell for sure. Bure does a very good job in playing both roles. I watched the interviews on the DVD of the film, and she talked about how it could get confusing at times. Many of her scenes had her one character talking to the other, and it was challenging to keep straight which one she was in each instance. It's quite understandable, and she did a very good job.

The film is a good picture of family, friendships, understanding and appreciating one another, and romance. It has just the right amount of humor. A brief opening scene shows what is supposed to be the Denver skyline with the mountains behind the city, but it's clearly Salt Lake City. That's where the movie was filmed.

Here are a couple of favorite exchanges of lines.

Piper, "We would have known." Gabe, 'You're twins, not clones."

Greg, "I can come up with the dimensions, but I need the gingerbread." Kate, as Chris switched to Kate, "Oh, I can do it. I love baking." Greg, "Who are you, and what have you done with Kate Lockhart?" Kate/Chris, "I could tell you, but I'd like you much better alive."
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