Review of The Cost

The Cost (2022)
Holding your breath the whole way. True revenge thriller
30 November 2022
I attended the premier on 26/11/22 at Monsterfest in Carlton. Really loved this film. Violent yes - it is brutal to view - but every moment of it had a purpose. And every moment had consequences. Hard to say much without spoilers but it really is well worth seeing. Nothing about this film felt "low budget". The script was excellent - tight. No wasted words. But also really well edited. There was no moment where you thought it was dragging or a scene lacked purpose.

The quality of every person cast was spot on. There were moments were everything changed in their eyes - no words needed. You knew exactly what their character was going through right in that moment. The exact moment their entire thought process changed. Kudos for that.

The cinematography was sublime. A real stand out for me. I'm not a big fan of the current trend of overly shaky in your face camera work. Instead this was steady, emotive, crisp work that added to the overall feeling of the tense story. The chase through the forest was a particular cinematography highlight for me. I keep replaying it in my head over and over.

It was really lovely to meet cast and crew after the premier. Congratulations to everyone for a fine film.

Adding: Days later I am still thinking about certain scenes and what was going through each characters mind at that time. This is a film where the thoughts of ramifications really stay with you.
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