Hart goes from soldier to cop
30 November 2022
"Square" Kelly returns from the war. Before going off to fight, he had been in a gang of crooks (which includes his brother). Now, the gang wants him to lead them again. Kelly is about to give in, when he sees the light. He joins the police force and makes it his mission to bring the gang to justice.

This is a different vehicle for western star Hart, although it probably could have been done as a western with slight changes. It's a solid story, with plenty of interesting characters. Perhaps the most unusual portrayal is by Gertrude Claire, as Kelly's mother. Typically, one might think an ex-crook's mother would want him to reform. But noooooooooooo .... this dame is itchin' for him to pull the next job, and calls him yellow when he balks at rejoining the gang. She tosses him out of the house.

There is a so-so romantic subplot between Hart and Ann Little, who plays Rose, the "ward" of a crook (Tom Santschi). There is also a pretty good fistfight (with no doubles) between Hart and Santschi, and later, a shootout in the dark. Hart emotes a bit too much on occasion, which I've noticed in many of his films. But overall, he does his usual satisfactory job, and the rest of the cast is fine. There is one glaring error, at the beginning of the film. Hart, after getting off the boat in uniform, arrives at his house - and he still has his rifle!
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